I did manage to find a copy of the Silver Anniversary Edition of Ravenloft, for a reasonable $5 on sale. While the selection was heavy on the hardcover AD&D books, it was very light on adventures, which I was most interested in. Last fall, I was perusing the used item shelves at my local game store during a 50% off sale. I never played the original Ravenloft module more formally, though I did spend much time playing and DMing in the Ravenloft campaign setting in the early 90s. Though the details are fuzzy, I still remember encountering Count Strahd and his creepy castle home. My friend, the Dungeon Master, ran the adventure from memory, and likely took many liberties with it. As I wrote about in the, my introduction to roleplaying was via a diceless playground session during one afternoon recess my 5th grade year. For my offering, I wanted to look back at a classic D&D product with a strong focus on the undead: the Silver Anniversary Edition of Ravenloft. All month long, undead-themed posts will be available for zombie-crazed readers to devour. This month, several RPG blogs are participating in. The World of Ravenloft 5 II this was forgot in contemplating the glorious and awful scenery before him - light struggling with darkness - and. Pretty sure selling printed.pdf files is a no go on the Geek.

Ravenloft Silver 25th anniversary edition, $25.

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