Have you asked your functional analyst about this? If you don’t want to ask your functional, then the obvious step: get a combination of material, werks that works fine, compare the contents of the whole record that works fine with the contents of the record that is not working in marc (SORRY for the MARD typo error :), I tried to answer and put my finger on the wrong key … still sleepy 🙂 As marc is determining how the material is working on each plant, a slight difference could be the problem… I’d also go for a debug, knowing the error number being returned… Tough task but it gives me a clue when everything else fails… _ De: eXenic via sap-dev Enviado el: Mircoles, 27 de Enero de 2010 09:54 a.m.This SAP article will guide you all about “How to Post Goods Issue in SAP” step by step with screenshots. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE’ EXPORTING goodsmvt_header = goodsmvt_header goodsmvt_code = ’03’ IMPORTING goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret” testrun = ‘X’ TABLES goodsmvt_item = goodsmvt_item return = return1. goodsmvt_item-move_type = II_TAB-bwart = ‘201’. SELECT * from ZPM_FUEL_EXIT INTO II_TAB where STATE = ”. DATA : goodsmvt_header TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_01, goodsmvt_code TYPE bapi2017_gm_code, goodsmvt_headret TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret, materialdocument TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc, matdocumentyear TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year, goodsmvt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_item_create WITH HEADER LINE, return1 TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 WITH HEADER LINE. and material exit must be like mb1c and bwart is 201.

code is like that and i tried at transaction mb1c. I have get an error Material “72000550 not maintained in plant 1000”. Para: Horacio Zapettini Asunto: bapi_goodsmvt_create 201 movement type Posted by eXenic (ABAP Developer) on Jan 27 at 6:56 AM Have you checked mard with matnr = 72000550 and werks = 1000? _ De: eXenic via sap-dev Enviado el: Mircoles, 27 de Enero de 2010 08:52 a.m. Goodsmvt_headret = goodsmvt_headret”” testrun = ‘X’ Goodsmvt_item-move_type = II_TAB-bwart = ‘201’.

Return1 TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 WITH HEADER LINE. Goodsmvt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_item_create WITH HEADER LINE , Matdocumentyear TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year, Materialdocument TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc, Goodsmvt_headret TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret, what could be the reason.Ĭode is like that and i tried at transaction mb1c.Īnd material exit must be like mb1c and bwart is 201.ĭATA : goodsmvt_header TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_01,

I have get an error Material “”72000550 not maintained in plant 1000″”.